What time is it in Santorini (Greece)?
Time in Santorini (Greece) now is: Santorini is Eastern European Summer time (GMT +3). Currently local time in Santorini is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), UTC +3. Standard time (Eastern
Time in Santorini (Greece) now is: Santorini is Eastern European Summer time (GMT +3). Currently local time in Santorini is Eastern European Summer Time (EEST), UTC +3. Standard time (Eastern
The distance between Santorini and Athens is 220 km (136,7 mil). The ferry route between the port of Piraeus (Athens) and Santorini is 290 to 350 km long (depending on
When planning a trip to Santorini, it is worth planning the right length of stay. If you want to visit most of the interesting places, walk along tourist trails, as
The straight-line distance between Mykonos and Santorini is approximately 100 km (63 miles). The ferry route between the port of Mykonos and Santorini is approximately 130 to 150 km long
The island of Santorini has an area of 76.19 km² and is the 36th largest island in Greece. At its longest point, it is 18 km long and 12 km
Yes, Santorini is located in Greece, in Europe, in the Aegean Sea. To be precise, it is located in the devolved administration of the Aegean Islands, in the region of
There are no Starbucks chain coffee shops on Santorini. The closest café is on the island of Mykonos (in two locations – in the island’s capital and at the airport).
Santorini is one of the most beautiful places in the world, but a less sunny or even rainy day can happen. However, even when it rains, there are many interesting
No, in Santorini you cannot flush toilet paper down the toilet bowl. As with most places in Greece, toilet paper cannot be flushed down the toilet. You should place the
Yes, in Santorini you can order transport via the Uber app. Example of fares in 2022 (minimum fare is €36): Fira to Oia – 36 Euro Fira to Airport –
Discover it’s magical, unique beauty, it’s fascinating history and all of its attractions that draw millions of tourists every year from all around the world.